【Internship Unit】Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Administration
【Internship Period】July and August 2024, two sessions.
【Eligibility】Students enrolled in universities in Taiwan majoring in pharmacy, cosmetics, food science, medical devices, laboratory sciences, or public health-related fields. For details, refer to the attached summary table of available internship positions.
【Category】Research and Testing Group.
【Working Hours】Not specified.
【Work Location】No. 109, Lane 130, Section 1, Academia Road, Nangang District, Taipei City.
【Job Description】Please refer to the attached summary table of internship positions.
【Internship Compensation】No salary provided. Meals, accommodation, transportation, and stationery are the responsibility of the intern.
【Application Documents】
(1)List of Recommended Students(Attachment 1)
(2)Intern Student Guarantee Certificate(Attachment 2)
(3)Data Sheet (Attachment 3)
(4)Transcripts from Previous Years
【Application Method】Please submit the relevant materials to your department from April 1 to April 12, 2024. The department will then recommend the applications to our center.
【Selection Process】To be announced separately
【Important Notes】
(1)The attachments can also be downloaded from our agency's official website(http://www.fda.gov.tw/)「Thematic Areas」section in the「University Summer Internship Program」area.