The "Flight Secrets: Soaring Through the Skies" series, hosted by the China Airlines Development Foundation (航發會), enters its eighth year. The 2024 series focuses on three major themes: "DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Women’s Power Trends," "Aviation Cross-Domain Marketing," and "Aviation Safety Incident Analysis." It aims to offer interactive, sharing, and co-learning opportunities, allowing participants to understand both the practical operations and innovative aspects of the aviation industry.
The series will have three sessions across North, Central, and Southern Taiwan, featuring five experienced and innovative speakers, including China Airlines' chief pilot, EVA Air's dispatcher, STARLUX Airlines' cabin service manager, and members of the National Transportation Safety Investigation Committee. This event aims to build a platform for young people aspiring to enter the aviation industry, offering unlimited possibilities for dialogue. Visit the official website for more details:
Event details:
Registration Link: (Free registration)